Infant Program

Our infant program is designed to be flexible and individualized for your baby. It is our desire to work with you to ensure that we provide a schedule for your baby that is consistent with your routine at home. It is suggested that parents provide a written schedule of their baby’s eating and sleeping habits. We have a schedule posted daily of the activities that we expect to do in our infant classroom. These activities might include one or more of the following:
• Story time
• Music time
• Gross motor activities (tummy time, crawling, standing, etc.)
• Enjoy the outdoors in the bye-bye buggy weather permitting
We will send a daily report home with each baby detailing the day. These reports will contain information about how your child ate and slept as well as what special activities your child did that day.
Routines and Activities
Caring for infants requires individualized routines and schedules based upon the needs of each child. We provide more flexibility in scheduling for younger children. Below are some examples of the routines and activities an infant might experience:
• Hellos and good-byes
• Diapering and toileting
• Eating and mealtime
• Sleeping and nap time
• Dressing
• Playing with toys
• Imitating
• Pretending
• Enjoying stories and books
• Enjoying songs
• Enjoying music and movement
• Creating art
• Puppet play
• Enjoying the outdoors
• Tummy time
• Standing time
• Swing time
• Sitting time
An appropriate schedule for infants must be flexible, unhurried with sufficient time for play and transitions. We try to balance active and quiet times as well as alone time and small group time.